Hello everyone, as you may be aware (if you check this website regularly) I haven't exactly been the most reliable blogger. This is because I've recently been very unwell generally, which has been worsened by working etc. Due to worsening health I had a laparoscopy on Wednesday the 18th of December to investigate the cause, unfortunately this wasn't found and so I'll be referred to different surgeons asap. If you have a chronic illness you'll probably understand that this is what it's all about, going to and fro until all of the pieces come together to create a bigger picture, furthermore a diagnosis and solution to the problem is made. Hopefully the fact that I've already been diagnosed with Endometriosis on the womb will aid the doctors to find out what else is wrong. 

Over the next few days I will be working my socks off to get all of the posts I wanted to do up. :) 

Louise X 

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